In The Beginning This Quiz: Adam and Eve

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Category: In The Beginning
This Quiz: Adam and Eve
    1.) Why did Adam call his wife Eve?
           She was the firstborn among women
           She was a help meet fit for him
           She was the mother of all living
           She was taken out of man
    2.) What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness?
    3.) After Adam and Eve sinned, what did God make for them?
           A garment of fig leaves
           Coats of skin
           Clothing made from the dust of the earth
           A loincloth of pure linen
    4.) What kept Adam and Eve from returning to the Garden of Eden?
           Cherubim with a flaming sword
           Cherubim with a double edged sword
           An angel with a firey spear
           An archangel with a scroll
    5.) How many children did Adam and Eve have?
           More than 4
    6.) Who was Adam and Eve's first son?
    7.) Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a keeper of sheep'?
    8.) Which of Adam and Eve's sons was 'a tiller of the ground'?
    9.) What son did Eve say God gave her in place of Abel?
    10.) How many years did Adam live?


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